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Let's connect!

Are you hungry for more?
Are you ready for more? 
Curious how working with me could skyrocket your results? 

Reach out! Send an email to ALEKS@GOALACHIEVERS.EU saying «Here I am!» in the subject line.
Feel free to write in English, Norwegian or Polish.

In your email please, tell me:​

  • a few words about yourself (or as many as you wish!)

  • What is your next Impossible Goal or Dream? 

  • How do you know that you are ready to go for it? 

  • What are the biggest struggles or obstacles on your way?

  • How have you found me and how would you like me to support you?

I promise to get back to you – either with the wisest answer I can give or by saying  LET'S TALK!
LET'S TALK means an invitation to a free initial conversation during which we find out whether or not we want to work together and how I could serve you best. 

GoalAchivers is a company based in Norway, with a global reach and a "flying office". So wherever you are, if you feel we should connect or if you are simply curious, don't let the distance stop you. 

For inquiries other than your own coaching, please, send an email to ALEKS@GOALACHIEVERS.EU, put a few keywords in the subject line and I will get back to you ASAP. 

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